assessment-and-treatments foot

Assessment and Treatments

Our podiatrists offer assessments and treatments for wide range of foot problems, from General and Musculo-skeletal podiatry (biomechanics) to Podiatric Dermatology.

Advanced Care

A number of medical conditions can impact on your feet, affecting mobility and putting the foot and lower limb at risk. Conditions that specifically affect the feet include diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and other arthropathies and poor peripheral circulation.

Other conditions or medications can also affect your feet, so it is important that your podiatrist takes a full medical history as part of the assessment of your foot problem.

People diagnosed with diabetes can develop foot complications including loss of sensation in the feet.… Find out more.
A wound or ulcer arising on the foot can take some time to heal. Healing… Find out more.
Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) is caused by the narrowing or blocking of the arteries, particularly… Find out more.
Arthritis causes inflammation, pain and deformity in the feet and can make mobility very difficult.… Find out more.

Musculo-skeletal Podiatry (biomechanics)

Foot pain can be caused by injury, poor foot posture or other structural problems. Particular foot types may be more prone to injury. These can include muscle sprains, tendon and ligament problems and occasionally fractures. Foot alignment can also affect other parts of the body, eg. ankles, knees and hips.

It is best to get the problem assessed at an early stage rather than trying to ignore it. Common problems include heel pain, forefoot pain (metatarsalgia) and flat feet.

It is important that the cause of your foot pain is diagnosed. We can then develop the most appropriate treatment plan to get you back on your feet.

Treatment may involve exercise programmes, low level laser or shock wave therapy, steroid injections, podiatric acupuncture and the provision of functional foot orthoses.

The plantar fascia is the thick connective tissue which supports the arch from the heel… Find out more.
The Achilles Tendon is the largest tendon in the human body. When taut, it allows… Find out more.
Repetitive stress to the heel causes inflammation of the growth plate in the heel bone… Find out more.
This is a common cause of pain in the ball of the foot and occurs… Find out more.
A bunion, also known as “hallux valgus” is forms as the big toe moves out… Find out more.
Flat feet, or pes planus, usually only need treatment if they cause discomfort or are… Find out more.

Podiatric Dermatology

Problems with skin and nails in the feet are very common. Hard skin, corns, verrucae, athlete’s foot, damaged, fungal or ingrowing toenails can affect the feet, causing pain or discomfort.
This is an infectious condition presenting as itchy, flaking skin. Although it is frequently found… Find out more.
Verrucae are caused by a viral infection. They may present as one deep verruca or… Find out more.
Corns and calluses occur as a reaction of the skin to the pressures on it.… Find out more.
Fungal infections in the toenails often arise subsequent to Athlete’s foot, but can occur on… Find out more.
Ingrowing toenails can occur when a nail has been damaged or is deformed. The nail… Find out more.
Trauma, infection or systemic conditions can discolour or damage toenails. Sometimes the nail will grow… Find out more.

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