The health benefits of walking & how to do more of it

As a Podiatrist, I see patients who are struggling with foot pain. For those who want to remain fit and healthy I often recommend walking. Walking is a low impact exercise that is easy on the joints and can help to improve their overall health and well-being.

This year’s Walk to School Week falls on the 16th -20th of May. Walk to School Week is a great way to promote healthy habits and make your community a better place. If you can, try to walk or bike to school during this week! This blog will share tips for making walking easier on your feet and it a more achievable part of your everyday life.

There are many benefits to walking which include:

  • Improved cardiovascular health – walking can help to lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
  • Weight loss or maintenance – walking is a great way to burn calories.
  • Better mental health – walking can help reduce stress and improve your mood.
  • Stronger bones and muscles – walking helps build strong bones and muscles.
  • Increased social interaction

Our top tips for making walking a part of your life:

  • It is best to start slowly and gradually increase the amount of time you walk each day.
  • Footwear is very important and I would recommend wearing trainers with a Velcro or lace fastening for extra support.
  • If buying new shoes make sure to walk around the store for a few minutes before you buy them and try on several pairs to make sure they are comfortable and fit well.

Walking is a great way to get exercise, improve your health and enjoy the outdoors. By following these tips you can make walking a safe and enjoyable activity.

If you have any concerns with your feet that may be affecting the way you walk, book in to see a Podiatrist to address any problems you may have.

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